Category: Hiwaze®

Rides and Cruises

Hiwaze: The 1950’s

Hot Rodding in the 1950's

Car Clubs bring safety and performance to Hot Rodding. Here’s another cool movie I found on the US Auto Industry channel on YouTube for our Hiwaze column. It appears to be a PSA from 1953 called: “The Cool Hot Rod”.…

Hiwaze: The 1940’s

Hot Rodding in the 1940's

In this episode of Hiwaze we begin actually on the brown-top. Hot Rodding in the dirt. I found this cool 35mm footage “Hot Rod Picture Dazell” that is super clear and sharp. I am just amazed at how young these…

McGee Roadster Goes To the Petersen

The McGee Roadster

Bruce Meyer Donates World’s Most Famous Hot Rod to the Petersen Automotive Museum Donation of the “McGee Roadster” honors the hot rod’s celebrated history while highlighting the importance of legacy donations. A recent donation to the Petersen Automotive Museum will…

Favorite Entertaining YouTube Channels

YouTube has quickly become a great source of entertainment online and I have a drop of four of my favorite channels. Back in the early pandemic era, Billy told me about a channel that is doing some hot wheels racing.…

Cruisin La Verne Holiday Car Show Highlights

Highlights from the Cruisin’ La Verne Holiday Car Show 2022 including a special “Stuff-A-Datsun with Firefighters” event. Video presented by Blacktop Magazine and Cambra Speed Shop. Event hosted by Flying Deuces:

Andy Warhol Cars at the Petersen

Andy Warhol Cars Petersen Museum

The Mercifuls So Cal Car Club took a field trip out to the Petersen Automotive Museum. In the Armand Hammer Foundation Gallery was an exhibit of Andy Warhol art and classic Mercedes Benz automobiles from 1886 through 1970. Below is…

This Is My Fifth Tucker

Tucker Torpedo

The Tucker Torpedo, officially known as the Tucker 48. Dreamed up in 1947 and about to be released in the 1948 market. An incredible part of the American Automotive landscape. The story of “The Tucker” is well told in the…


Cool Old Stuff

Jim Simpson’s Cool Old Stuff Photos/Story: Mike Slade, Yep! That Mike Slade. Jim Simpson is one of the best known residents of Williamston, South Carolina. Jim has lived in this town which is one of those small South Carolina, towns …

Vintage Stock Car Racing

MAGIC HAPPENS ON THE TRACK My neighbor had a 1966 Ford Galaxie sitting in his driveway for a good couple of years. I would pester him, to gut it and build it into a replica of a NASCAR racer. It…

Bring Your Own Boogie #5

Hanging out with the Vanners at the 5th Annual B.Y.O.B. “Bring Your Own Boogie” Van-in, Camp and Show. California Street Vans presents the largest event in their 5 year history with over 100 vans pre-registered for the camp-out Friday October…

Cruisin’ The Bridge of No Name

Mercifuls So Cal were invited to take part of the celebration of the replacement of the Gerald Desmond Bridge going over the entry to the port of Long Beach. The original bridge was built in 1968 as an arch style…

The Betty Hunter

ArtMartyr Gallery Presents the work of Chris Garcia. My name is Chris “The Betty Hunter” Garcia. My work is based around Vintage SciFi and Custom Car Culture. I also build sculptures such as Robots, Rayguns and UFO’s.  “The Betty Hunters”…