B.Y.O.B. 9 is FINE!

BYOB 9 - Nine is Fine

The 9th Annual Bring Your Own Boogie Van-in and Show was another huge hit recently. This year I rolled the Harley into the show. Early on Saturday morning, the Patriots and Paws Classic Car Show was just finishing parking and…

Home Built ’47 Plymouth Kustom

Jordi's Home Built Kustom

I’ve seen this car before at a variety of shows and today we caught up with Jordi as he pulled into the Historic Main Street Garden Grove Car Show. Quite interesting build with it’s eggshell red oxide paint and gold…

2024 Grand National Truck Show – The Contenders

Grand National Truck Show 2024 The Contenders

In the recent 2024 Grand National Truck Show there were 11 contenders vying for the coveted “World’s Most Beautiful Truck” award. Presented by ARP (Automotive Racing Products) the winner is awarded a $12,500 cash prize with the WMBT Trophy and…

Blue Dragon Hookah House

Bruce Long's 1963 Ford Econoline Van

Bruce Long’s 1963 Ford Econoline Custom Van “A labor of Love” This is how Bruce describes his van. An accomplished wood worker, Bruce has built himself a personal ode to his father who spent some time in Japan in the…

6th Annual KiwanisLand Car Show

6th Annual KiwanisLand Car Show

For the past 4 years I have been invited to be a part of this incredible event. The Kiwanis Club of Garden Grove, California since 1952 has been helping the community with a variety of events. KiwanisLand is a park…

Randy Palmer’s 1960 Dodge Power Wagon

1960 Dodge W100 Power Wagon

Today at the 6th Annual Kiwanisland Car Show I saw this incredibly detailed 1960 Dodge Power Wagon owned by Randy and Ellen Palmer. We don’t usually do a Motor Minute on a stock restoration, but the story of this vehicle…

Hot Rodding at Isky’s 103rd.

Iskys 103rd birthday at Lions Automobilia Foundation

Lions Automobilia Foundation present a birthday party for Ed Iskendarian as he hits 103! Today we walk around the lot while Isky was taking a break and shot some cool hot rods. Pop a top and enjoy.

Patrick Comfort’s 1960 VW Beetle

Patrick Comforts 1960 VW Beetle

Today we spot Patrick Comfort’s 1960 VW Beetle at the Kiwanisland Car Show in Garden Grove, CA. Patrick picked up this beauty at local hot rodder Jimmy Quast’s estate sale during the pandemic. Built some 30 years earlier by another…

Metalflake Marina

Metalflake Marina Long Beach Sultans 31st Annual Car Show

Long Beach Sultans’ 31st. Annual Car Show at Marina Green This was a special time. We had a visitor for the show. Jack Petitt and his ’57 Pontiac came out from their homestead in Oklahoma. Previous member of the Sultans…

Steve Thomas’ 1930 Ford Model A Hot Rod

Steve Thomas' 1930 Ford Model A 5-Window Coupe Hot Rod

When you think of a classic hot rod what comes to mind? Milner’s yellow coupe in American Graffiti, ZZ Top’s red Ford in their music video She’s Got Legs, or The California Kid? All of these classics have one thing…


Steve Sanders’ 1961 Corvette he has owned since 1972 Steve bought the Corvette the summer after he graduated from High School and turned 18. He didn’t realize at the time, he bought a straight up and very used race car.…

Cruisin Brea on Father’s Day 2024

Father’s Day in Southern California is ripe with plenty of events. Ride out to Century Cycles was an old favorite with my motorcycle buddies. L.A. Roadsters Show is another favorite if you dig traditional hot rods and modern street rods,…