Mercifuls Roll Into The Early Times Picnic

2024 Early Times Picnic

For 58 years. Yep, 58 glorious years Early Times Car Club of Southern California have been hosting a picnic. For as long as I can remember it has been held at the Compton Hunting and Fishing Club.

For those who don’t know the Early Times Car Club we have a Club Confidential article of their important history of Southern California Hot Rodding. See it HERE. In short, what started with a group of high school students and friends in 1965 banded together to go to events and enjoy the cruising culture around the Long Beach region just south west of Los Angeles, California. Started with ’34 and earlier cars and recently changed to owners of Pre-’49 vehicles.

The Early Times Picnic isn’t a car show. It is a picnic. Expansive grass flanks a clean lot backed up to the dull hum of the Harbor Freeway and surrounded by industrial yards. It’s wild. Turn around with your back to the park and all you see are semi-trucks and equipment parked in dirt and rock yards with a yard dog barking deep in the background. Fortunately DJ Lovelace is there spinning tunes of the 50’s through the 70’s. The club puts together a pretty neat raffle where they have buckets in front of a couple dozen prize packages. You simply put however many tickets you want in front of each prize. They call your number but don’t worry, if you are in line getting some street tacos or hanging out in the lot, they mark the number on a board and wait till the end of the day to claim your prize.

It is always a chill time just hangin’ out with your buddies telling stories. One of these times, I’m gonna bring my lawn darts or bocce ball set to get some movement. I tried to get a tug-of-war going with the Mercifuls against the Early Times members but nobody was game. Now I think of it the average age is in the late 60’s, so there’s that.

About the Compton Hunting and Fishing Club. Wow! Who would have thunk that a prestigious outdoors club would exist in the middle of mega-urban Southern California. I only learned last year that there is an actual shooting range under the park! WOW. The club supports the Compton Hunting and Fishing Club Foundation and their Youth Enhancement Program to teach and preserve hunting and fishing activities to young and future generations. Participants learn about safety and awareness when doing outdoor activities.