Peel it off, Stick it down. Photo/Story: T-Bone, Model: Emily Sherer We got stuck at the SEMA Show when passing by the Steele Rubber booth. Steele had their multi-purpose Peel-N-Stick weatherstripping. Their exclusive Peel-N-Stick weatherstripping can be used just…
Category: Featured Event
Featured event coverage
Going to the Drags with my Buddies.
Nitro Concussions Story/Photos: T-bone It was a great call. A call we all like getting. “Hey Tony, we’ve got an extra ticket for the drags today. You wanna go?” It was my friend Marc. He said to call John and…
Custom Autosound at SEMA
Unveiling “The System” in Carl’s Caddy Limo. Photos/Story: T-Bone, Model: Emily Sherer In the middle of the Restoration Marketplace in the Central Hall of the SEMA Show we were stopped by a very nice mid-’50’s Cadillac Limo. It was dripping…
DefenderWorx at SEMA 2012
Wrapped Up in Raptor Parts Photos/Story: T-Bone, Model: Emily Sherer Known for their exquisite billet accessories for the latest version of Chevy’s Camaro, DefenderWorx went to SEMA last year launching their Late Model Mustang line of billet bling. This year…
What’s New at Clayton Machine Works
Reporting from the floor of the 2012 SEMA Show Photos/Story: T-Bone, Model: Emily Sherer We had to make a stop at Clayton Machine Works while at the SEMA Show. I have a set of his window cranks and door handles…
SEMA 2012 – The End is Near
Whew! What a SHOW! Story: T-Bone, Photos: T-bone and Billy On Monday, 4 short days ago, we started to feel the stretch of the hamstrings and now that they are all loose, we see the end of this endurance race…
SEMA 2012 Banquet Thursday
The Endurance Race… Story: T-Bone, Photos T-Bone / Billy (above: Emily Sherer at Defenderworx’s Booth) We are hitting the half-way mark and yesterday was a great day walking the halls and finding all kinds of cool stuff. We could leave…
SEMA 2012 Halloween
Tricks and Treats on the Show Floor. Story: Tony Colombini, Photos: Gary Morin and Billy Day two at SEMA and it’s Halloween. We saw some incredible things. We first met up with the people at Evapo-Rust. Evapo-rust claims to be…
SEMA 2012 – Opening Day
Let the party begin… Story: T-bone, Photos: Billy and T-Bone We started the day at the New Products Award Breakfast hosted by Dave McClelland with keynote speaker Chip Foose who spoke about the passion in our industry. When he left…
SEMA 2012 Preview
Photos/Story: T-Bone Day one of the big show. We rolled out of Southern California leaving our boy Panzer to watch the homestead and keep our loved one company. A beautiful day anticipated a great ride through the California Desert to…
Cruisin’ For A Cure
The “SAVE YOUR LIFE” Show Story: T-Bone, Photos: Gary Morin (Rusty Relic), Tony Colombini That’s a pretty bold statement. And it’s true. Over one hundred of our car cruisin’ buddies’ lives have been saved from Prostate Cancer this year alone. …
Scorpione Kustom Swap Meet
Kustom Bike and Car Swap Meet in Aprilia, Italy. Pics/Story: Tommey Sperandeo Here is the third edition of the BBQ/Swap meet organized by the custom shop “Lo Scorpione Kustom” , in their own location in Aprilia (near Rome), dedicated to…