Category: Blacktop TV

Take a look at hundreds of videos at BlacktopTV on YouTube. We cover vintage car and motorcycle events, shops, vehicles, products and people.

Model A Club Pancake Breakfast 2017

Video presented by C.W. Moss A walk through the Ford Model A Club Pancake Breakfast at Hart Park in Orange, California. See over 200 early Ford cars in a great park setting. Be sure to check out the FREE Catalog,…

Getting Ready To Ride

It seems to have been forever since we’ve been behind bars.  Handlebars, that is. Born Free Motorcycle Show is coming up and we need to get the bikes ready. I tell you what, I am itchin’ to just get on…

Hanging Out At Cambra Speed Shop

Introducing Cambra Speed Shop in Orange, CA For the past several years, Ron Cambra and his team of craftsmen have been turning out one fine car after another. Video presented by CON2R  Thank you to Mitzi Valenzuela, Bob Ryder, Zoe…

Headlight Restoration

The Blacktop Baller gets clear vision. Billy and I rolled out to the Meguiar’s Garage for a demonstration with their Headlight Restoration Kit. Mike Pennington met us at the door and got busy sharing some tips and answering our questions…

Karl Ardo’s Drag Bike

One look at this bike you will see the detail is simply incredible. This is Karl’s 10th Triumph build each comes from a single inspiration point. He set out to build a bike that would represent and perform like a…

Pinky Interviews Shiney

While we were hanging out at the Hippie Killer Hoedown with Primer Podcast we ran into Pinky Swear, and Shiney Mike. Pinky interviews Shiney Mike about his work and how he trades his polishing craft with other artists such as…

Benchracing with T-Bone and Jerzy, April 2017

In this first of our monthly episodes, T-Bone and Jerzy discuss Project Riff-Raff, The O’Reilly’s Street Machine and Musclecar Nationals, the Grand National Roadster Show and Jerzy hits the Blackest of the Black Festival.,,,,,,…

Richard Hall’s ThunderClone

Fuel Fed Fun Now on Blacktop TV:: Richard Hall, Underoath  Car Club member out of Torrance, CA brought new life into this family owned beauty. I first saw this car at the 5th Annual Mercifuls Spark of Love Toy Drive…

Luck Be A Lady Photoshoot

Blacktop Magazine captures the fun behind the scenes at Mitzi and Co’s photoshoot. Now on Blacktop TV:: I came up with the idea for this photoshoot while I was soldering the terminals, rewiring the ’56 Fairlane “Project Riff-Raff”. The iPod was…

Wiring Tips – Project Riff-Raff Part IV

Securing The Terminal Ends Project Riff-Raff part IV, rewiring our 1956 Ford Fairlane Club Sedan with Ron Francis Express kit. This wiring tip comes from Craig Maiorana who taught me how to crimp, solder, heat-shrink the wire terminals. Brought to…

Signal Hill Car Show

Hosted by the Long Beach Sultans Car Club Long Beach Sultans Car Club’s Signal Hill Car Show 2016. This 26th outing of the classic custom car club event has proven to be a signature event in Southern California. See More at…