Tag: race cars

GIRL’s of Irwindale

GORGEOUS IRWINDALE RACING LADIES The Gorgeous Irwindale Racing Ladies (G.I.R.L.) is an organization that was founded by CEO Kelly Anderson on June 9th, 2020 to encourage women and bring them together in a predominantly male sport. The organization is led…

Visiting the Bruce Meyer Collection

We had the opportunity to hang with the crew at Cambra Speed Shop for their Holiday Road Trip to the Bruce Meyer Collection in Beverly Hills, CA. We broke it down to three videos. Take a look.

The Malloy Foundation Collection

Tom Malloy is on a quest to find his father’s 1950’s era Indy Racecar. Hanging above the collection is a banner with a photo of his dad’s car and team in 1954. The car has eluded him for decades, with…