Rolling Into The Show

Roll-in video of the 2023 27th Annual Orange Plaza Rotary Car Show. We were there as the official photographer capturing the majority of the cars rolling into the show. Take a look, maybe your car is in the video.

We decided to not have any soundtrack, so you can hear the cars as the slither into this sold-out event.

The Orange Plaza Rotary is a small group of City of Orange residents that raise funds to help in their community. The annual car show in the Plaza or “Circle” as some call it sells out in 45 minutes. You have to be on Event Brite at 8am on February 1st to get a ticket. Over 400 cars fill the main streets of Chapman Ave and Glassell Street in Old Town Orange. The epicenter of the show is the Plaza grounds with the fountain, although this year the Plaza park was fenced off for re-construction and fortification.

We met there in the morning with a team of volunteers to help set up for the show. 3:30am I rolled in as the volunteers came in quickly after. About 2 dozen people set up the tents for the Rotary, DJ, Raffle Area, Awards, etc. The trash cans have to be covered and lined cardboard trash boxes were set up. After the tents were raised they opened the gates around 5:30am (a half hour early) to start bringing the cars in.

We were there to capture the majority of the cars. Hope to see yours in the mix. Thank you.