A Blacktop Book Review
Randy Leffingwell authored an amazing detailed history of the Porsche 911 in this beautifully hard-bound landscape book. The photos compliment the incredible detail as if we are a fly on the walls of the development studios in Zuffenhausen. The text achieves a sense of “being there” as Ferry and his team, then later his son Butzi continue the development of a world class sports car.
The book doesn’t start at the onset of the 911 in 1964. No. The forward by Harm Lagaaij (15 year design veteran from “Style Porsche” and the introduction takes us back to the 1950’s when Ferry Porsche ordered 500 bodies from Reutter Karosserie. That was the spark to create the Typ 550 race car which engineering and design accelerated the 911. Engineering, design, development, racing and culture are all exposed in fabulous detail.
This beautiful “coffee table book” is not only a sharp piece for the Porsche enthusiast but a complete encyclopedia of the thinking and challenges behind every iteration in the past 60 years. A compendium that is an excellent reference point in every make and model. It is filled not only with clear anectdotal stories but also insights that read like a well-composed business book. Inspiring practices, overcoming challenges and sticking to a strict design discipline. The successes outweigh the challenges only by the determination of the decades of teams that knew they were creating something special.
It was in the fall of 1976. I was finishing up Jr. High and I was interested in this girl. Well, she was involved with the Jaycees, so in order to get to know her, I accepted her invitation to go to a Jaycees event. She was pretty hip and I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into. I have never heard of the Jaycees and it seemed different than going to the roller rink, so I was a go. Now you might be wondering why I am telling you all this. The thing is, her dad took us to the event. In 1976 Suburbian Southern California he would have probably been driving a big sedan or wagon.
Nope. Not hardly.
Nearly 6′ of me was happy to climb into the back of a 911 Turbo Carrera. Watching that boost gauge go up as he hit the gas, holding on to anything I could, I was hooked! These 911’s are so iconic, it was just a joy going through this book for you all.
I am sure I will pick it up again. You can get yours on AMAZON or at your favorite retailer.