Make A Statement with DynaBuckle


Dynabuckle640Have you been searching for a custom metal shop to build just the right piece to finish off your ride. Imagine a custom emblem or dash bezel. Maybe you are planning an event. Can you picture a custom medallion for your show? Club plaques have made a great comeback. What would your members think if they could wear the plaque on their belts? We have just the right place for you.

Enter DynaBuckle

For over 40 years, DynaBuckle’s team employs the lost art of American Craftsmanship, to create your item that will endure both time and impression.

No order is too big or too small from stock retail pieces to fully custom designed items. Each piece is finished by hand, by our craftsmen, in-house, in the U.S.A. Whether it is a piece of jewelry for your car, a custom award for your show or a symbol of pride for your club, DynaBuckles attention to detail, excellent customer service and quick turn around is sure to impress.

Bring your imagination, and we will bring our artistry. Visit: