Category: Hiwaze®

Rides and Cruises

The Annual Las Vegas Motorcycle Auction

Las Vegas has always been a place for gamblers. However, it is now slowly becoming known as the motorcycle mecca of the world for its highly successful annual Motorcycle Auctions… Around 1,000 bikes were featured in this year’s Motorcycle Auction.…

The West Coast Influence

The Story of MiniTruck Design and Innovation Video Review: Tony T-Bone Colombini, Photos supplied by Weekend Celebrity Productions There were several moments in time that solidified my passion for all things automotive. One of those moments was riding along with my…


Don Chamber’s Custom 1955 Chevy Nomad Story/Photos: T-Bone, Model: Lindy Sue, Apparel: Vintage Suits by Mary There’s plenty to love about this car. Not only is it an iconic Nomad to start with, but purists will be spinning when you…

B.A.D. On The Road

T-Bone and Billy Show the Progress Photos/Story: Blacktop Staff We recently took the project on the road to show some of the progress. You may look at it and  think that there’s not a lot there. We agree, but there…

Readers Rides – ’69 Mach 1

Janis Cyrus introduces us to Hannah, her 1969 Mustang Mach 1 Article and photos submitted by Janis Cyrus First a bit about the Mustang 50 year Celebration in Charlotte, NC: The Mustang 50 Year Celebration in Charlotte, North Carolina lasted 5…

Benedict Castle Concours

Kustoms for a Kause Photos/Story: Blacktop Staph, err Staff. For a couple of month’s there has been talk about a new show nestled along side a castle in the foothills around Riverside, California. I have lived in Southern California for…

Tuning the King

Installing a Vigilante Flash from Superchips Story by T-Bone, Model: Carrie Holt When you bought your new Harley, you most likely started customizing it to perform better and give a bit of your personality. We certainly did that. I picked…

Birthday Autocross and MORE!

Street Machine and Musclecar Nationals Story/Photos/Video: T-Bone This story is more than a simple report about an awesome event. There was quite a bit going on, so let’s take it to the beginning. I haven’t heard much about this new…

Lilly Fuentes-Joy Photography

A Photo Essay Photos by Lilly Fuentes-Joy Photography The other day, Lilly messaged us on Facebook asking if we  take submissions. Why not? Here are a pair of ladies she shot recently up in Northern California. First is Ciara Payne…

Time for a Road Trip

Photos: Anna/Potter, Story: T-Bone Living in Southern California I feel a bit isolated from the rest of our great country. Many of you have been under an arctic vortex with sub-zero temperatures and storm after storm after storm. I hope…

A Visit to Burns Stainless

Aerospace Quality Race Exhaust Photos/Story: T-Bone In the Summer and Fall of 2013 I started receiving e-mail news about a new stainless steel polish called Manifold Destiny from Burns Stainless. The e-blasts said they would be at the SEMA Show,…