Category: Featured Event

Featured event coverage

Cruisin’ For A Cure

The “SAVE YOUR LIFE” Show Story: T-Bone, Photos: Gary Morin (Rusty Relic), Tony Colombini That’s a pretty bold statement. And it’s true. Over one hundred of our car cruisin’ buddies’ lives have been saved from Prostate Cancer this year alone. …

Scorpione Kustom Swap Meet

Kustom Bike and Car Swap Meet in Aprilia, Italy. Pics/Story: Tommey Sperandeo Here is the third edition of the BBQ/Swap meet organized by the custom shop “Lo Scorpione Kustom” , in their own location in Aprilia (near Rome), dedicated to…

Ventura Nationals

Chasing the blue moon to the 2012 Ventura Nationals. Photos/Story: T-Bone Here I am again in the early morning watching the moon set as the guys in my club are gathering to hit another significant show. Last December we were…

Miniature Engine Collection

Car Crazy, Inc. is presenting the Bob Haagenson collection of miniature engines for auction with EBay Seller: “Kidzstuff1”. Bob Haagenson of Pomona, California, a master at building model replica engines for decades has opened his collection for auction with expert…

Rev’ved Up 4 Kids 2012

Edelbrock’s 7th Annual Rev’ved Up 4 Kids Charity Event Story/Photos: T-Bone Edelbrock – The Big Red Machine (as quoted by an employee and not to be confused with the Motorcycle Club) has put on another great event. This was more…

Verona Italy Bike Expo 2012

Photos/Story: Tommy Sperandeo 20-22, January 2012 – The 2012 edition of the Motor Bike Expo in Verona, Italy, had even more space dedicated to Customizers and Custom motorcycles, than the previous ones, and had international guests from United States and…

Good-Guys Del Mar Nationals 2012

Photos/Story: T-Bone The Del Mar Nationals hosted by Good-Guys Rod and Custom Association is the big event for San Diego County. Sponsored by Meguiars the show was a standout of shiney panels and brightwork. This is a great show to…

Hamburg Harley Days 2012

Photos/Story: Tom and Kim Van Allen Let me start by saying I’m glad we didn’t plan our vacation around this year’s event. It may look like I have nothing good to say about it, but it was OK. They moved…

A Gathering of Kustoms

A Gathering of Kustoms

  Story/Photos: T-Bone The first annual Gathering of Kustoms A decision was needed to be made. This weekend was the huge Ink-n-Iron festival at the Queen Mary. A feast of a festival for sure, but with a $50 price tag…

Barris Culver City Car Show

Story/Photos: T-Bone Reflections of Kandy and Metalflake spotlight the dancers in the streets of downtown Culver City for the 9th Annual Cruisin’ Back to the Fifties Culver City Car Show. I’m not sure why George Barris’ name is on the…

Roma Moto Days 2012

Photos/Story: Tommy Sperandeo We welcome our newest International Correspondent Tommy Sperandeo from Italy. Here he brings us his first article about the Moto Days in Rome, Italy March 8-11, 2012. Learn more about Tommy on his FB page. [-ed] Greater…