Category: Benchracing

Favorite Entertaining YouTube Channels

YouTube has quickly become a great source of entertainment online and I have a drop of four of my favorite channels. Back in the early pandemic era, Billy told me about a channel that is doing some hot wheels racing.…

2023 Motorsports Media Trade Conference

The MPMC Media Trade Conference. “Motorsports Parts Manufacturers Council” or MPMC is a council in the SEMA Professional Trade Association. SEMA consists of specialty groups within the membership called Councils. ARMO is the Automotive Restoration Market Organization, HRIA is the…

Benchracing with Musclecars Part 1

Musclecars Part 1

Benchracing With Jersey and T-Bone In this Part One episode we explore the high-performance world of Musclecars! We try to define what a Musclecar is, the origins of Musclecars, and Jersey shares his favorite of all! We dig into early…

HOT ROD Magazine: 75 Years

I can hear the muffled sounds of Mannix on the old boob tube downstairs in the den. Dad would occasionally yell up the stairs: “Be quiet up there and go to sleep!” My little brother and I have been “in…

It’s All About Having Fun

Rodney Flournoy and the So Cal Blower Boyz Here’s a Fuel Fed Feature interview of Top Fueler and Funny Car driver Rodney Flournoy and the So Cal Blower Boyz with Amber Elizabeth at the Lions Automobilia Foundation and Museum in…

Benchracing with Rob Cleland

Early Chevy Van Burn outs and Wheelies We meet up with our buddy Rob Cleland from Xtreme Xhaust in Northern California at the recent SEMA Show. We get his take on what he likes about the show, and talk about…

NHRA Breakfast at the 2022 SEMA Show

NHRA Breakfast SEMA 2022

A full hour of fun stories from some of drag racing’s most notable characters. Enjoy the 2022 SEMA Show NHRA Breakfast panel discussion moderated by Brian Lohnes and featuring Lee Beard, Don “Snake” Prudhomme, “King” Richard Tharp, and Frank Hawley…

Andy Warhol Cars at the Petersen

Andy Warhol Cars Petersen Museum

The Mercifuls So Cal Car Club took a field trip out to the Petersen Automotive Museum. In the Armand Hammer Foundation Gallery was an exhibit of Andy Warhol art and classic Mercedes Benz automobiles from 1886 through 1970. Below is…

Did You See Us On “Garage Dreams”

We are honored to be included in the recent season of Garage Dreams on MotorTrend+. See the story behind Blacktop Magazine as father/son duo Tony and Billy talk about working together in the garage on their 1956 Ford Fairlane Club…


Cool Old Stuff

Jim Simpson’s Cool Old Stuff Photos/Story: Mike Slade, Yep! That Mike Slade. Jim Simpson is one of the best known residents of Williamston, South Carolina. Jim has lived in this town which is one of those small South Carolina, towns …