Kid Wrencher

Introducing Marcus “Mo” Jacobson.

Marcus bought his first car, a 1966 Mustang at 15 before he even had is learners permit.

He called to see if I would go check it out with him and his dad. We rolled up the 710 to the 91 on a hot dry afternoon. The car was found in a yard with a ratty cover on it in North Long Beach. The yard lady gave us crap as we followed the owner in the lot. “We don’t want anyone roaming around in here!” 

We looked the car over. I told him all the things I saw about the car. I figured it wasn’t my job to tell him to buy it or not, but to just point out the things he should think about. Not sure there is one body panel that is straight on the car. The gaps are either non-existent or a mile wide. Lots of tweaking will need to be going on. The saving grace is the car was coming at a decent price for the condition and you can get pretty much anything for these cars.

He liked what he saw and isn’t afraid to get to some wrenching. As his Uncle, I was excited to see a youngster in my family be interested in old cars. I followed them home as his dad took him home in his car. Marcus is about a year out from getting his license. This makes it a great year to work on the car and get it in safe, dependable running condition first.

The car is a T-code 200ci 1valve, 120 hp, 6 cylinder 2-door hardtop in Emberglo Orange with a black vinyl top and standard hubcaps with knockoffs on 14″ 4-lug steel wheels. 

His plans are to upgrade the chassis to 5-lug with disc brakes and fresh suspension and power rack steering.

Follow him with #KidWrencher tag on Social Media


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