10 Years Of The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride

A Blacktop Magazine Book Review.
While I am reading this really nicely designed coffee-table book, the 12 annual Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride is happening all around the world. Wait, all around the world? Yep!
If you haven’t heard, The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride is an annual motorcycle cruising event as a fundraiser for Prostate Cancer Research and Men’s Mental Health. Since 2012 when Mark Hawwa was inspired by a photo of Don Draper (of Mad Men) sitting on a motorcycle in full-suit regalia. Hawwa thought, wouldn’t that be cool to have a bunch of mates (Mark is from Australia) ride around in suits to upset the usual idea of a “biker” and be a fundraiser for Prostate Cancer Research. The idea spread to where there would be organizers from different cities hosting the event all on the very same day.
This beautiful tome is a wonderful celebration of an idea that took off to capture in total over $35M dollars towards Prostate Cancer research and Men’s Mental Health resources. The book is broken up into “chapters” from each of the first ten years of the event. The first year, 2012, started in Sydney and word got out to have organizers in 58 cities and over 3000 riders all fundraising for the cause.
By ride #10 in 2021 Covid-19 still limited the event. The event opened to three formats allowing riders to take part together or individually. There were over 56,000 registered riders in 913 cities around the world.
This book is way more than just a beautiful picture book of the ten years but also hundreds of inspiring stories from survivors, leading fundraisers and important ride figures. My friend Tom Haigh was one of 513 riders on that ride in LA this year. The recent ride in Los Angeles alone raised over $225K! Tom shared that he read this book cover to cover before his ride. It inspired him so much he surpassed his own fundraising goal. That accomplishment was nice and all, but the ride he had with a bunch of new and old friends makes the event a heartwarming success. The book also features different bike styles in the ride, and each of the beautifully designed posters of the event are also featured with artist profile.
Watch for the next event and if there is no ride organized near you, you can start one! Visit GentlemansRide.com for more information.